3 Sundance #3; Ishiguro gives Ikiru a sprinkle of poignancy distinctive in his literary works, and his screenplay successfully transplants this story to 1950s England, a period the director replicates aptly both in its appearance and its texture. However, Living does feel rushed at times and inevitably lives in the shadow of its Japanese counterpart. The first half of the film gives too little time to establish the setting, so while the life of Mr. Williams stands on itself, the final satire on the British bureaucracy comes especially less pointed and even disjointed from the rest of the film. Certain actions also feel out of space and added simply for being faithful to the original film
很多奇思妙想,最后反转其实值得加一分,剧情崩溃后被炒烂了笔趣阁虽然知道是幻想,但是最后揭露的时候还是足够震撼。命运不会给任何人开特例,主角前期太过好运,好运到还以为他们能真的逃离悲剧。 结尾的悲剧性诞生于至始至终以为主角能逃避悲剧的光环。 7分